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Kamus Istilah Pertambangan

Written By Odezz on 12/07/2009 | 5:32 pm

Buat temen-temen yang belum tau tentang istilah pertambangan, mahasiswa, atau karyawan baru di perusahaan tambang, atau temen-temen yang sudah bekerja di tambang batubara namun belum tau istilah-istilah pertambangan, daripada bingung, berikut hasil browsing saya share disini..
open pit mine
Open-pit mine
Type of mining that is used for shallow deposits; coal or ore is extracted by digging a succession of benches from the surface of the ground downward.
Depression that forms the bottom of the quarry; it is a result of the extraction of deposits.
Haulage road
Access road leading to the quarry; it is used to haul coal to the treatment plant.
Solid fossil fuel that is black and contains a large amount of carbon.
Bench height
Vertical distance between the horizontal planes of two benches.
Roadway between two benches; it is inclined so that motorized vehicles can remove the ore extracted from the various levels.
Part of the ground that covers the ore beds; it is removed to reach the deposit.
Ground surface
The land that covers the deposit.
Vertical surface created by dynamiting a deposit to extract its ore.
The levels of a quarry that are arranged like steps of a staircase and from which coal or ore is extracted.

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+ comments + 3 comments

7 Jan 2010, 16:05:00

mantap bro, salam kenal tetap semangat n hajar terus tuh dollar, he...

7 Jan 2010, 16:07:00

salam kenal bro, mampir jalan2 ...

15 Feb 2010, 12:06:00

great bro... jadi ingat waktu awal-awal ditambang... but this is good reference... masih tinggal di tuhup bro??

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